When our child began seizing, we felt like our world was ending. But the journey of a lifetime was beginning.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1-year Post-Surgery Update

Last week, we returned to the Cleveland Clinic for John's one-year evaluation post-surgery. After a whole year with no seizures and a perfectly normal EEG, Dr. Kotagal officially declared John seizure free and gave us the go-ahead to slowly take him off of Phenobarbital and replace it with another, less developmentally harmful anti-epileptic drug. John has been developing so well since the surgery even while he has been on Phenobarbital, I can't wait to see how he does without it! Thank you once again, Cleveland Clinic, for giving our child a wonderful new life!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


(John with Dr. Bingaman of the Cleveland Clinic, at 6 months seizure free)

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